Friday, September 7, 2007

A First Attempt.

I’m hoping for some scandal to break so that writing this blog will be easier. Why is it easier to write about the negative, but more importantly, why does an event have to be negative to be considered newsworthy?

Also, why do four years of formal university education teach you only to memorize your social security number and ask rhetorical questions?

Lately, so-called loyal “Bushies” have been dropping like flies. This is no doubt a sudden emergence of conscience after seven years in the administration. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the desire to avoid litigious scrutiny or…[cough]…payoffs. No, it must be for the greater good of American society.

Much speculation has risen on how the Bush administration will be portrayed in the annals of history. Worst president ever?

Oh yes, before I go on any further, did I mention I was, um, a wee bit left-leaning?

Anyway, much speculation has risen. I get a sense that most people think this to be the dirtiest, most corrupt, most out of touch, craziest, even gayest administration in the history of administrations. Every new Bushie resignation lends credence to this perception. My best friend (who hopefully decides to comment on this blog so my grade goes up) believes that as soon as the administration leaves office, dirty secrets, BIG and little, will be exposed. Perhaps this exposure will lead prosecution (or pardon, dunh dunh dunh). Maybe the world will be a better place (prosecution!) or maybe we’re all, well, screwed. But somehow all this dirt and relentless law-breaking and utter disregard for basic human rights gives way to- dare I say it?- hope. And faith. Faith that no matter the outcome of the next presidential election, any administration is better than the Bush administration.

Recently I noticed an attempt to soften the president’s image. I don’t think he has an especially tough image. Quite to the contrary- he’s portrayed as a bumbling idiot. However, this article preceding a Bush book release shows us the pensive, sensitive side of the president. The motive behind this is to pave the way for the public to forgive the president, because, after all, you can’t hate a man who masks his self-pity and presidential isolation for the good of the American people. (This is the part where you sigh and think to yourself, what a brave man.)

I wish I had more profound things to say about media and politics today, but a) The Daily Show and The Colbert Report have been on hiatus, and b) after a couple of years out of college and in an excrutiatingly dull/evil job, your brain forgets how to function.

More later, as my brain re-solidifies from corporate mush (coffee helps).


Anonymous said...

well carlyn you are quite the talented writer, this may motivate me to become more interested in politics. so keep the bloggs comming. Gayest office!! that made me laugh after camping with someone i thought was my friend i realized all homophobic rednecks are without a doubt gay. i am sure after hes out the secrets will be too.

Carlyn said...

Hey AJ, if you think that's funny, you should definitely subscribe to Mark Morford's mailing list or at the very least read his archives.

E said...

And the self-promoting blogging begins! Way to throw your blog reference in and too ironic that we both chose privacy-related issues. Good work and I can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

Mark Morford is sexy.